Fogtec - Fire Protection




The owner-managed company FOGTEC was founded in 1997. FOGTEC develops, produces and markets fixed and mobile systems for fire detection and firefighting. Our employees come from 16 countries and are based at six sites. We are active in the following business sectors: rolling stock (Rail Systems), Fixed and mobile systems, Tunnel Systems, ships and oil platforms. Of our products, 80% are produced for export. Our team consists, among others, of engineers in the specialist areas of fire protection, mechanical engineering, hydraulics, electronics, software and chemistry.

Board of Directors

Dirk K. Sprakel

  • IWMA (International Water Mist Association), Vice Chairman  
  • AiF (Germany), Advisory Board  
  • NFPA 502 Water Mist Standard,  Member Technical Committee
  • DIN Water Mist Standard DIN NA031-03-03 AA, Member Technical Committee
  • prEN 14972 Water Mist Standard, Member Technical Committee

Roger Dirksmeier
Managing Director - Rail Systems

  • UNIFE, Member of the Board
  • UNIFE SME Committee, Chairman  
  • International Monorail Association, Vice-President
  • Expert Group of European Commission for Competitiveness of Railway Supply Industry, Member
  • SME Committee in VDB, Member
  • Export Committee in VDB, Member
  • University of applied Science Aachen for Railway Technology, Gastdozent 

Rüdiger Kopp
Managing Director - Fixed Systems

  • IWMA (International Water Mist Association), Marketing Board
  • NFPA 750 Water Mist Standard,  Member Technical Committee
  • DIN Water Mist Standard DIN NA031-03-03 AA, Member Technical Committee
  • prEN 14972 Water Mist Standard, Member Technical Committee
  • VdS 3188 Water Mist Standard, Member Technical Committee
  • FIA/BAFSA (UK) Water Mist Standard Working Group, Member Technical Committee
  • APSAD D2 (France) Water Mist Standard, Member Technical Committee

Advisory Board

Dipl. Ing. Heino Pruess
Advisory Board Member

Mr. Dipl. Ing. Heino Pruess has many years experience as advisory board member in many companies. He was Executive Director of stock listed companies for more than 10 years. He specializes in marketing and sales of technologically complex investment goods. Alongside his position as advisory board member at FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH, Mr. Pruess is board member and advisory board member of other companies. 

Prof. Dr. Ronald Pörner
Advisory Board Member

Prof. Dr. Ronald Pörner is a senior expert in the railway industry, Professor of Strategic Management at the HTW Berlin and owner of a strategy and marketing consultancy. Between 2007-2015 he held a position as Main Director in the Verband der Bahnindustrie (VDB) in Berlin. Alongside his position as advisory board member at FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH, Mr. Prof. Dr. Pörner is part of the advisory board of other companies. 

Dr. Bernd Bösche
Advisory Board Member

For almost 20 years, Dr. Bernd Bösche, as Managing Director of the Schleswig-Holstein Economic Development Corporation, supported medium-sized companies in the field of innovation and in opening up international markets. Strategic innovation consulting, innovation financing and foreign trade strategies were the focus of his work. In addition to his work on the advisory board of FOGTEC GmbH, Dr. Bösche will in future accompany the development of selected medium-sized companies.

Associations with FOGTEC

IWMA (International Water Mist Association), Board (Vice Chairman) and Marketing Group

AiF (Germany) (German Federation of Industrial Research Associations), Adivsory Board (

UNIFE, member presiding board, chairman of the SME Committee (

International Monorail Association, board member, Vice-President (

Expert Group of the European Commission for Competitiveness of Railway Supply Industry, Member ( )

VDB, (German Railway Association), Member of SME and Export committees. (

Economic advisory council of Interdisciplinary Research Network for Rail technology e.V., Member (

FOGTEC in Norms and Guidelines

NFPA 750 Water Mist Standard, Technical Committee

NFPA 502 Standard on Tunnels and Elevated Roads, Technical Committee

DIN Water Mist Standard (DIN NA031-03-03 AA), Technical Committee

CEN Water Mist Standard prEN 14972, Technical Committee  

VdS Water Mist Standard (VdS 3188 ),  Technical Committee 

FIA/BAFSA (UK) Water Mist Standard, Technical Committee 

APSAD D2 (France) Water Mist Standard,  Technical Committee 

Technical Standard for Water Mist (India), Technical Committee

Technical Standard for Water Mist (China), Technical Committee

Corporate history


Founding of FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH and opening of the first representative office in Asia and the Middle East.

FOGTEC Logo rgb


Representative office opens in China.


Representative office opens in India.

FOGTEC wins the UITP-Award for the most innovative product.


Equipping of the French National Archives in in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, near Paris


Equipping of the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg with a revolutionary nozzle system built into the floor


Equipping of the Eurotunnel, the system has an availability of 99.98% to date and is thus the benchmark worldwide


FOGTEC is the first fire protection company worldwide to be certified according to IRIS.

Founding of FOGTEC S.A.R.L. in France.


Conclusion of research project SOLIT2.

SOLIT2 neu


Equipping of the 35km long supply tunnel across Singapore


Founding of FOGTEC Fire Protection Pvt. Ltd. in India.


Company´s 20th anniversary.

20 Years1

Start of research project SUVEREN, sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.



Launch of the first, and so far the only, SIL2 system for fire fighting and fire detection for rail vehicles


Winning of the Siemens ÖBB Railjet and Nightjet project of the new generation

Equipment of the Apple data centres in Guian and Ulanqab in China


Completion of SUVEREN, the largest comprehensive research project on fire suppression and detection for Li-ion batteries

Equipping of the TESLA Gigafactory in Shanghai

Equipping of all stations of a third metro line by FOGTEC in Budapest

Winning of the contract to equip the new vehicles of the Los Angeles Metro


Launch of the first complete system forthe protection of charging infrastructure in car parks as a result of SUVEREN

The history of water mist

Here you can find out more about the history of modern water mist fire protection.