FOGTEC Newsletter
September 2019
- Stadler continues to trust FOGTEC solutions for extreme conditions and new solutions
- New video on our YouTube Channel
- Historical Archive

Stadler continues to trust FOGTEC solutions for extreme conditions and new solutions
The Norwegian State Railway (NSB) fleet will continue to increase with additional FLIRT trains from Stadler. Under the release of an option 5, a bimodal version will soon be delivered. This version will be equipped with a different FOGTEC Fire Protection solution compared to the previous FLIRT trains from Stadler, this version includes a fire extinguishing system for the diesel engines. From an operator’s perspective, the complete fire protection solution is supplied from one single source: FOGTEC. The system for the diesel engine is not coupled to the already installed FOGTEC Series 9000 fire detection system for the passenger areas. This last option batch will continue to increase the presence in the Scandinavian market of the already well proven solutions from FOGTEC. The flexibility of the FOGTEC systems is again demonstrated to advantage when including two different fire protection solutions within the same trainset.

New video on our YouTube Channel
Fire test in a test-tunnel
A new video from FOGTEC’s fire test video series. This new video shows a time lapse of a typical full scale fire test. A mock-up (serves as a dummy to simulate a HGV fire) is ignited and the water mist system will be activated after a free burning time, showing a worst case scenario in case of late fire detection. The time lapse shows the ignition of the mock-up, the free burning time and the suppression through the high-pressure water mist system. Even after a long free burning time, the FOGTEC high-pressure water mist system is able to suppress the fire efficiently, increase life safety and protect the tunnel structure.
The new video is available on Youtube next to other interesting videos:
Historical Archive
The Tibet Archive houses more than 3 million historical documents. The oldest of these documents originate from the Yuan Dynasty (1304 A.D.) and the most recent date from the end of the last century, so spanning a period of nearly 700 years. Tibetan is the dominant language of the documents, accounting for more than 95 percent. There are also documents in Chinese, Mongolian, Manchu, Sanskrit, Nepalese, English, Russian and other languages.
FOGTEC Technology protects more than 300 archive rooms as well as battery rooms, control rooms, generator rooms and cable interlayers.
FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG
Schanzenstraße 19A
51063 Köln
Tel: +49 221 96 223 0
Fax: +49 221 96 223 30