FOGTEC Newsletter
June 2018
- Watermist system for a traditional malthouse in Berlin
- Further increase of expenditures for research and product development
- FSI Conference 2018 in Stockholm
The "Old Malthouse" will be revived
Watermist system for heritage industrial building
The clinker building in Berlin was built in 1898 for the palace brewery "Schöneberg A.G." and used to house the industrial production of malt which was used for beer production. After World War I it was shut down because crops had to be rationed. Now the old building will be reconstructed and brought to life again. After the renovation there´ll be restaurants, recreational facilities and different types of trade on seven floors. The Old Malthouse is planned as a new and vibrant center for the Lichtenrade disrict in Berlin which will be realised in close cooperation between the owner and the monument protection service. FOGTEC developed a holistic fire protection concept based on the terms of reference and will deliver a complete solution for fire protection including a detection system and an uninterrupted power supply (UPS).
Further increase in expenditure for research and product development
Research & development activities
FOGTEC again increased its expenditure on research and development in 2017 and 2018. In both years the share of expenses in this field were 9% of the total turnover. The main fields of development focus on new products, for example software technology, electronic components, sensor technology and extinguishing technology. A key aspect of the activities is the cooperation with external development partners such as universities and research institutions as well as with partners from industry. In addition, FOGTEC is active in several research consortia. The European research project "UPTUN" and the German projects SOLIT1 and SOLIT2 had a large impact on the standardization of safety guidelines in tunnels. Today the project results are the main worldwide guidelines when it comes to fire safety concepts for tunnels. Currently FOGTEC is working in a cooperation project which is sponsored by the German Ministry for education and research and which investigates fire protection risks in connection with new energy carriers (NEC) in public spaces. Specifically fires in vehicles which are powered by batteries, gas or hydrogen are the focus of research (you can find more info here: Another current project is "TUSI" in Austria with a research consortium that brings 18 partners together and is investigating active fire protection systems in tunnels. The large engagement in the fields of research and development shall fix the outstanding market position of FOGTEC in a long term perspective.

FSI Conference 2018
Stockholm, Sweden
On the 13th and 14th of June, the European Fire Sprinkler Network (EFSN) conducted the FSI conference 2018 in Stockholm, focusing on water-based fire protection systems. The venue was attended by over 300 engineers and fire experts. The two conference days were completed by an exhibition where FOGTEC presented its products and latest applications. At the conference, FOGTEC gave a lecture on a case study of the decision making process for a high pressure water mist system to protect a large clinical centre detailing the implementation of the water mist system in conjunction with the certification process based on independent full scale fire test results.
FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG
Schanzenstrasse 19A
51063 Cologne
Tel: +49 221 96 223 0
Fax: +49 221 96 223 30