FOGTEC Newsletter
February 2017
- Installation of FOGTEC system in Austrian tunnel in progress
- Successful IRIS re-certification for FOGTEC
- Recently opened hospital in Austria protected with water mist
Tunnel Wald
Styria, Austria
On the 16th of February 2017, the FOGTEC pumps for the Tunnel Wald project in Austria were delivered. FOGTEC equips the western portal section of the almost 3 km long tunnel in Styria with a high-pressure water mist system. Currently the installation around the core of the construction is in process – both pumps (each weighs 3,6 tons ) were successfully delivered and placed. This was an important step for the finalization of the construction.
Successful IRIS Audit
Cologne, Germany
FOGTEC has been audited during week 5 and received the IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard) certification for another three years. IRIS is a generally accepted standard and complements the internationally recognized ISO 9001 quality standard. The main objective is to meet or rather exceed customer expectations in respect to the fulfillment of quality requirements especially but not limited to the railway industry. During the recertification all processes of the FOGTEC process landscape has been evaluated. FOGTEC received the certificate successfully.
Clinical centre Baden-Mödling
The clinical centre Baden-Mödling represents one of the most modern hospitals in Europe. Amongst others, the installed FOGTEC system protects the building structure (glass facades and steel construction) also. An installation of the system in 12 meter height in the entrance hall was realized with special fire test certificates. The building houses six operation rooms and 450 beds on a total surface area of 60.000 square meters. The entire building consists of three buildings (pavilions) with each three floors which are connected via a central entrance hall.
What else?
Transport of FOGTEC pump system to China by rail
For an automotive testing facility in Tianjin, a pumping construction is delivered to China by Wuhan Express, a large freightliner. The journey from Hamburg to Wuhan takes 17 days.
FOGTEC Brandschutz GmbH & Co. KG
Schanzenstrasse 19A
51063 Cologne
Tel: +49 221 96 223 0
Fax: +49 221 96 223 30