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FOGTEC Newsletter
September 2020
- Die IWMA bietet kostenfreie Webinare an
- Brandbekämpfung für Singapurs Metro
- UNICEF Hauptquartier in Dhaka
- Neues FOGTEC© Video auf YouTube

Fire protection for Singapore´s metro
Meeting the challenging climatic conditions
Once again, FOGTEC© equips new subway cars for Singapore's Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system with a fire detection system. The newest six-car high-capacity trainsets of Bombardier´s Movia platform, built by the Chinese manufacturer CBRC, will increase the service level and replace 30-year-old vehicles on North-South and East-West lines. The contract covers 66 trains.
Singapore has a tropical rainy climate, which presents a severe challenge to the usability of detection systems. Based on years of experience, FOGTEC© made a corresponding innovation to cope with the special climatic conditions, while also fulfilling the full system SIL2 requirements and ensuring a high system performance. It is the second metro project FOGTEC has supplied to Bombardier/CBRC for contracts with the Land Transport Authority in Singapore, which shows a positive affirmation and trust in FOGTEC’s technology.

UNICEF Head Office in Dhaka
First commercial project in Bangladesch
Together with its partner EMACO Solution Ltd., FOGTEC© has secured an important project for a new administration building of the children's relief organisation UNICEF in Dhaka, Bangladesh. In order to do justice to the high proportion of children in Bangladesh, the 64 districts of Bangladesh will be allocated to different UNICEF locations. A total of 13 districts are looked after and administered from Dhaka. The new headquarters will be equipped with FOGTEC© water mist technology in the form of a wet system concept. Currently, the installation is taking place in the office, supply and parking areas. We congratulate our partner on this first commercial reference project in Bangladesh.
New FOGTEC© YouTube Video
Typical water mist nozzle in a Tunnel
This new FOGTEC© YouTube video shows a typical water mist nozzle which is used in tunnel applications. FOGTEC© nozzles are designed and tested to be suited for the rough environment of road and rail tunnels. The nozzles are mounted to sockets which are welded to the main pipe. This also allows to unscrew the nozzles and replace them if necessary. The nozzle and the socket are made out of high grade stainless steel. For very harsh environments it is possible to put small Teflon caps on top of each micro nozzle. As shown in the video, the caps will be blown off after activation. The water mist nozzles which are specially designed for tunnel applications have been full scale fire tested in over 200 fire tests. The water will be pushed through the micro nozzles in order to create the mist and to distribute it into the activated sections.
Click here to watch the video https://youtu.be/5ruCydD98T4
FOGTEC China Representative Office
German Centre Shanghai, Room 757A, Building 3
88 Keyuan Road, Pudong
Zhangjiang Hi-Techpark
201203 Shanghai
PR China
Tel./Fax: +86 (0)21 2898 6725
E-Mail: fogtec-china@fogtec.com